Success stories achieved by users

Application creates a head start – this guiding principle not only controls our access to product creation, it is also the result for the user himself: Our service colleagues complete our experience in application, which is fully embedded in the product, even on their own construction site. Here you will find some application examples, with the filter you can look for the right combination of “soiling type – application area".

And: We look forward to your references – and have a surprise in store for you!

Over 130 before and after pictures from our various construction sites expand your possibilities!

Wax Soapstone

Wax spots on soapstone slab

Protection Concrete Terrazzo

Protection on a concrete terrazzo swimming pool

Protection Concrete Terrazzo

Protection of concrete terrazzo floor in an office complex

Protection Terrazzo

Protection on molded terrazzo, floor and stairs

Protection Bitumen Terrazzo

Protection on bitumen terrazzo floors and steps

Protection Concrete

Protection of concrete terrazzo indoor

Protection Marble

Protection of marble surface

Protection Concrete

Protection exposed concrete outdoor

Protection Screed

Protection on screed floor

Protection Concrete Terrazzo

Protection on exposed concrete terrazzo

Protection Concrete

Protection concrete water resistant, sustainable building protection

Multiple Staining Concrete Stone

Multiple staining: Organic residues, chalk, incrustation on concrete stone

Incrustation Swimming Pool

Incrustations at the waterline and inside the swimming pool

Organic Staining Sandstone

Organic staining on sandstone tiles

Organic Staining Cotto

Organic staining on cotto floor

Organic Staining Ceramic Tiles

Organic staining on ceramic tiles in a car wash

Defective Coating Cotto

Defective coating on cotto floor

Orcanic Staining Ceramic Tiles

Organic staining on ceramic tiles

Organic Staining Solnhofen Limestone Antique

Organic staining on antique solnhofen limestone

Organic Staining Solnhofen Limestone

Organic staining on solnhofen limestone

Organic Staining Solnhofen Limestone

Organic staining on solnhofen limestone

Organic Staining Solnhofen Limestone

Organic staining on solnhofen limestone

Organic Staining Solnhofen Limestone

Organic staining on solnhofen limestone

Mould Ceramic

Mould marks on ceramic or natural stone

Chalk Fat Sanitary Area

Chalk and fat streaks on glass or ceramic

Rust Quartzite

Rust spots on quartzite floor

Rust Granite

Rust spots on granite floor

Rust concrete

Rust spots on concrete floor broom stroke

Rust Granite

Rust spots on granite terrace

Moss Self-Cleaning Roof

Lichen moss green growth self-cleaning on roof

Moss Self-Cleaning Tile Roof

Lichens moss green growth self-cleaning on roof

Oil On Concrete

Oil staining on concrete stone

Oil On Concrete

Engine oil staining on concrete stone

Acid Burn Scratches Limestone

Acid burn and scratches on limestone in entrance area

Scratches Marble Antique & Rosso Verona

Acid burns and scratches on antique marble floor with rosso verona und Kratzer auf antikem Marmor Boden mit Rosso Verona Edging

Scratches Acid Burn Limestone

Acid burn and scratches on limestone

Scratches Acid Burn Travertin

Acid burn and scratches on travertine

Scratches Acid Burn Carrara Marble

Acid burns and scratches on carrara marble stairway

Scraches Acid Burn Botticino Marble

Acid burns and scratches on botticino marble stairway

Polishing Surface Grinding Marble

Polishing on marble

Scratches Acid Burn Marble

Acid burns and scratches on marble

Glue Residue Natural Stone

Glue residue on a premium kitchen countertop

Glue Residue Slate

Glue residues on colored slate natural stone

Glue On Granite

Glue residues on granite steps

Glue On Terrazzo

Glue residues on a cast terrazzo

Glue Residue Exposed Concrete

Glue residue on exposed concrete outdoor

Glue Residue Exposed Concrete

Glue residue on exposed concrete outdoor

Glue Residue Slate

Glue residue carpet on slate floor

Chalk / Incrustation Swimming Pool

Chalk removal and incrustation swimming pool

Chalk Tiles

Chalk removal on tiles shower

Chalk Tiles

Chalk removal on tiles sauna cabin

Chalk Granite

Kalkentfernung auf Granit Fensterbank

Chalk Marble Tiles

Chalk removal on marble tiles green

Chalk Marble Pebble

Chalk removal on marble pebble in wellness area

Chalk Granite

Chalk removal on granite plates

Chalk Granite

Chalk removal on granite tiles

Chalk Cotto Floor

Chalk removal on cotto floor

Graffiti Traffic Sign

Spray paint on reflective foil on traffic sign

Color Exposed Concrete

Color on exposed concrete

Graffiti Exposed Concrete

Graffiti spray color on exposed concrete

Graffiti Metal Gate

Graffiti spray color on metal gate

Facilitate Care Natural Stone

Facilitate care on slate, antique natural stone types

Facilitate Care Natural Stone

Facilitate care on antique natural stone types, cotto

Facilitate Care Natural Stone

Facilitate care on different natural stone types

Impregnation Rosso Verona Marble

Impregnation color shade neutral on rosso verona marble

Impregnation Marble Stairway

Schutzimprägnierung farbtonneutral auf Botticino Marmor Treppe

Impregnation Marble Stairway

Impregnation color shade neutral on marble stairway red black

Impregnation Marble Floor

Impregnation color shade neutral on marble floor checkered

Impregnation Marble Stairway

Impregnation color shade neutral on marble stairway

Impregnation Marble

Impregnation color shade neutral on marble sink

Impregnation White Marble

Impregnation color shade neutral on marble bathroom

Impregnation Red Marble

Impregnation color shade neutral on marble bathroom

Impregnation Marble

Impregnation color shade neutral on marble bathroom

Impregnation Granite Countertop

Impregnation color shade neutral on granite kitchen counter

Impregnation Travertine

Impregnation color shade neutral on travertine floor

Impregnation Marble Stairway

Impregnation color shade neutral on marble stairway

Impregnation Solnhofen limestone

Impregnation color shade neutral on Solnhofen limestone

Color Shade Intensifying Bitumen Concrete Terrazzo

Color Shade Intensification on bitumen concrete

Color Shade Intensifying Slate

Color shade intensification on colored slate indoor

Color Shade Intensifying Concrete Stone

Color shade intensification on concrete stone terrace plates

Color Shade Intensifying Jerusalem Marble

Color shade intensification on jerusalem antique marble

Shroud On Elox

Shroud and staining on elox, metal

Shroud On Elox

Shroud and staining on elox, metal

Color Residues Glue Residues Poured Terrazzo

Glue residues, color residues, coating on poured terrazzo

Glue Residues Coating Poured Terrazzo

Glue residues, color residues, coating on poured terrazzo

Damaged Coating Chemical Burn Marble

Damaged coating, chemical burn on rosso verona marble

Damaged Coating Marble

Damaged coating on rosso verona marble

Staining Brick Floor

Organic staining on brick floor

Staining Brick Floor

Organic staining on brick floor

Organic Staining Limestone Indoor

Staining by organic staining on limestone

Impregnation Cotto

Protection impregnation cotto floor after basic cleaning

Organic Staining Limestone Indoor

Staining by organic staining on limestone

Streaks Nirosta Metal

Fat streaks, fingerprints on Nirosta

Damaged Coating Kitchen Countertop Granite

Damaged coating on kitchen countertop out of granite

Dust Staining Exposed Concrete

Staining by dust, road dust on exposed concrete

Staining Ceramic, Plastic

Staining in car wash

Organic Staining Concrete

Staining by organic staining concrete industrial floor

Damaged Coating Marble

Staining by organic staining and damaged coating

Staining Pool Cover Roof

Staining by organic staining pool roof.

Streaks Kitchen Countertop Granite

Staining by organic staining cotto floor indoor

Staining On Cotto Floor Indoor

Staining by organic staining cotto floor indoor

Organic Staining On Granite Bench

Staining by organic staining, algae and green growth on granite bench

Organic Staining Concrete Broom Finish And Granite

Staining by organic staining, green growth on concrete, broom finish and granite plaster

Soot Road Dust Exhaust Gases On Clincer, Granite, Walls

Staining by organic staining on clincer

Organic Staining On Granite

Staining by organic staining, green growth granite terrace

Organic Staining On Granite

Staining by organic staining, algae and green growth on granite

Organic Staining, Algae On Granite

Staining by organic staining, algae and green growth on granite

Bitumen, Oil On Slate

Staining by Bitumen, oil containing substance on slate

Bitumen- And Tar On Exposed Concrete

Staining by Bitumen and sealing compound

Cement- And Concrete Shroud On Clinker

Staining by concrete shroud, cement shroud

Road Dust, Algae On Shell Limestone

Staining by road dust and slight algae, green growth

Algae Green Groth On Concrete Stones

Staining by algae, slight green growth

Algae Black Algae On Concrete Stone

Staining by algae, black algae, red algae, green growth

Algae Red Algae On Balustrade Concrete

Staining by algae, red algae, lichens

Algae Green Growth Lichens On Granite

Staining by algae, green growth, lichens

Algae Green Growth Lichens On Concrete Plaster Stone

Staining by algae, green growth, lichens

Algae Green Growth Lichens On Concrete Broom Finish

Staining by algae, green growth, lichens

Algae Green Growth Lichens On Granite Plaster

Staining by algae, green growth, lichens

Algae Green Growth Lichens On Concrete Roof

Staining by algae, green growth, lichens

Algae Green Growth On External Staircase Out Of Limestone

Staining by algae, green growth, lichens

Multiple Graffiti On Concrete

Spray colors, pens and lastly lacquer paint

Scratches, Acid Burns On Marble

Acid burns and scratches on marble and limestone

Oil Linings On Concrete Plaster Stones

Staining by oil, motor oil, cooking oil

Algae Green Growth On Roof Area

Staining by algae, green growth, lichens

Algen Grünbelag auf Putzfassade

Verunreinigung durch Algen, Grünbelag, Flechten

Tar- And Bitumen On Exposed Concrete

Staining by concrete shroud, cement shroud

Was Kunden zu sagen haben

Julius Bentz
Erstes Resümee nach einiger Zeit: Im Grunde werden genau die Probleme gelöst, welche man als Dienstleister vor Ort beim Kunden hat. Man möchte professionelle Reinigungen anbieten in der Gebäudereinigung weis aber nicht genau welche Mittel man dazu nimmt, damit am Ende die Arbeit top abgeliefert wird. Man sucht zwanghaft nach Herstellern mit denen man zusammenarbeiten kann. Hier bekommt man alles aus einer Hand, schnelle WhatsApp Beratung und Versand. MFG
Michael Kappes
Hat alles perfekt geklappt. Ich habe wie von Herrn Pühringer meine Muster erhalten und werde jetzt meine erste Bestellung aufgeben.
Stefan Schuler
Top Beratung und schneller Lieferservice Gerne wieer einmal
Helmut Haidwagner
Scheich Chemie hat die besten Reinigungsmitteln auf den Markt und Herr Pühringer Stefan ein Top Berater.
Daniel A
Eins A Fassadenreiniger, selbst hartnäckige Algen, werden mühelos entfernt :). Mit freundlichen Grüßen Housework-Saar Daniel Arras
Sascha Stücher
Die Verarbeitung ihrer Produkte ist bemerkenswert. Egal welches Produkt ich ausgewählt habe, ich konnte eine hohe Qualität und sorgfältige Herstellung erkennen. Die Produkte von Schaich Chemie haben mich in jeder Hinsicht überzeugt. Obwohl ich mich vorher nicht intensiv mit der Materie beschäftigt hatte, nahm sich Herr Stephan Pühringer die Zeit, mich umfangreich zu beraten. Seine Kenntnisse über die verschiedenen Produkte und Prozesse waren beeindruckend, und er konnte mir alle meine Fragen geduldig beantworten. Der Kundenservice von Schaich Chemie hat mich ebenfalls beeindruckt. Ich fühlte mich als Kunde wertgeschätzt und ernst genommen. Telefonisch war HerrPühringer stets freundlich und hilfsbereit. Meine Anliegen und Fragen wurden prompt beantwortet und Probleme wurden effizient gelöst. Es war eine Freude, mit einem Unternehmen zusammenzuarbeiten, das so viel Wert auf Kundenzufriedenheit legt. Darüber hinaus war ich von der Vielfalt und Qualität der angebotenen Produkte beeindruckt. Schaich Chemie bietet eine breite Palette an chemischen Produkten für verschiedene Anwendungsbereiche an, und ich war begeistert von der Effektivität jedes einzelnen Produktes, das ich probiert habe. Die Ergebnisse haben meine Erwartungen übertroffen und ich kann Schaich Chemie mit bestem Gewissen weiterempfehlen. Insgesamt kann ich Schaich Chemie und insbesondere Herrn Stephan Pühringer nur wärmstens empfehlen. Ihre Produkte sind von hoher Qualität, die Beratung ist umfassend und der Service ausgezeichnet. Ich bin äußerst zufrieden mit meiner Erfahrung und werde sicherlich auch in Zukunft auf die Expertise von Schaich Chemie vertrauen. Beste Grüsse Sascha Stücher Fassadenreinigung-Euregio
Frank Gruhn
Top professionell Produkte für den Profi. Haben super Erfahrung mit dem cleanway blau konzentrat . Werden wir sicher bestellen .
Florian Ebert
Bewertung bezieht sich auf telefonische Beratung. Diese war außerordentlich gut und informativ. Zudem habe ich eine kostenlose Bemusterung erhalten mit Moos und Algenentfernern. Diese konnte ich bis jetzt noch nicht testen. Sobald diese gestestet wurden, folgt eine korrigierte Rezession
Lukas Reiswich
Super Produkte, immer wieder gerne. Liebe Grüße
Dirk Schilling
Super Service in Beratung und Leistung!